Sunday 15 September 2013

How To Get Someones Twitter Header and Background Images

From long time Twitter users can customize their profiles as they desire by use of beautiful headers, by link color customization and by use of cool background images. You can get your desired twitter headers and background wallpapers from various online resources absolutely free. But, sometimes someones gorgeous twitter header or wallpapers make you stunned. You just want to grab it without wasting time to search it online. But unfortunately you can't get option to save image as in your machine, even you can't search image by use of Chromes 30 search by image feature. But, there is a trick by which you can get twitter header or background image of any twitter user in seconds. Follow the following simple tutorial to get know how is it possible.
Open the twitter profile of desired user and press CTRL+U (in chrome) to view source. Press Ctrl+f and search for background-image: url to get links of all related images used in used twitter account as background.


Use web_retina in search field to directly pin point the url of header picture in high resolutions. 
highlighted link of header

And for background use profile_background_images keywords in search box.
highlighted link for background

Copy the desired links and open them in new tab to see images, then save images via save image as option via mouse click in order to use them in your twitter account as header and background pictures.
Recommended: How To Create Transparent Twitter Headers
january 23 2016 - how many days until march 9 2016

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.