Saturday 7 July 2012

Samsung New TecTiles NFC Tags Stickable Chips for Smart Phones | Review

Samsung introduce new advanced TecTile NFC sticker tag chips for smart phones, android and price.An advance new sticker is being made which can stick anywhere and by using it you can control your Smart phones. This sticker is invented by Samsung, and it is known as TecTiles. Apparently Samsung’s TecTiles sticker is looks like simple one but excellent in use.

Dimension wise its size is similar to Post tickets but inside have Near Field Communication (NFC) chip or tag. This is new advance technology which is now being started using in latest mobile phones like android phone. By using it phone will obey your all instructions.

How to use Samsung’s TecTile Sticker:

If you forget your cell phone after placing it somewhere, then don’t worry just take sticker with you. For example, if you have Wi-Fi internet connection in your home and guest are using it and then stick it secretly on door and touch phone with sticker then it connects with your Wi-Fi network. Or you can also stick it on car dashboard then car’s speaker Bluetooth will become active. So, you can hear music and can also facilitate with Google Navigation.

There are unlimited uses and benefits of this new technology. The price of Samsungs TecTile Stiker is only 15$. 

Samsung introduce new advanced TecTile NFC sticker tag chips for smart phones, android and price 2012.Samsung introduce new advanced TecTile NFC sticker tag chips for smart phones, android and price 2012.
Samsung introduce new advanced TecTile NFC sticker tag chips for smart phones, android and price 2012.
Samsung introduce new advanced TecTile NFC sticker tag chips for smart phones, android and price 2012.
Samsung introduce new advanced TecTile NFC sticker tag chips for smart phones, android and price 2012.

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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