Saturday 24 August 2013

Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Invitation By The Emperor

Today on Rovio official blog The Emperor from the dark side invites all of Angry Birds fans to join the pork side in new version of Angry Birds Star Wars 2. Watch below video to see invitation from Emperor with the unique voice of Ian MecDiarmid (from Star War Films).

Best app Angry Birds Star Wars II

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The new Angry Birds Star Wars 2 will release on this september 19th for both iOS and Android. But, in order to maintain its hype rovio decided to release all  of 30 interesting characters before app launch. The first part of introduction series of characters will release on 26th August monday. 
Among other features in new Angry Birds Star Wars 2 addition of telepods is the prominent one. Telepods are real physical toys which can be use in game after scan by use of smartphone or tablet camera.
how many days until february 8 2016 - february 22 2016

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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