Friday 16 August 2013

Save And Share Animated GIFs Free Via GIF.ME Chrome Extension

Animated GIFs are supposed to be the great source of entertainment. Because of multiple moving images with in a single file makes animated GIFs quite interesting and useful to share information. And a new chrome extension GIF.ME make it quite easy to save and share animated GIFs free.
GIF.ME is a new application by which you can easily organize all types of images especially animated GIFs online without need to save them in your device. It also allow you to access your saved images from any device and, also gives an option to copy actual link or shortened link to share on websites  and on social network likely Google+ for fun.

GIF.ME works on a simple but smart principle. As you select any animated image GIF.ME will automatically pull its first frame, resize its first frame and use actual link to show data in drop-down extension window quickly and easily.

How To Use:
First of all add GIF.ME extension in your updated Chrome browser. Click on extension icon to do signup (necessary requirement to use application). Do right click on any image and select GIFME This to add it in your collection. Click extension icon from browser to get links for sharing or tag them because it makes it a lot easier to find them when your collection grows. To get access to your personal collection just make signin from any other device and here you go..

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february 14 2016 - february 15 2016

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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