Wednesday 14 March 2012

Test Tube Burger | by Using Bio Technology of Stem Cell or Cloning

Test Tube Burger by Using Bio Technology of Stem Cell or Cloning process
Stem Cell Meat in Process
I know that many of you people are familiar with term Stem Cell or Cloning. Now Stem Cell or Cloning technique becomes common and you can make similar meat by this Bio technology and can make similar meat as sold in market. And on this basis worlds first test tube burger will be soon available in western countries.

It is thinking that this method will helps in future to overcome food shortage. In experiment this method is so costly, but when its production on large scale starts its cost decreases automatically. The main thing or question is that is peoples accept test tube meat?, or is test tube meat or burger gets popularity? These all are important questions. To make a meat for burger from Stem Cells require four steps procedure. And this stem cell to meat complete process can almost takes 6 weeks. Whatever, now it is experimentally possible to make a mutton or beef laboratory. And one of its benefit is that you can add best amount of beneficial fat and ingredients in it. However, this laboratory meat is producing too many ethical questions, with strong arguments.
Update: Scientist successfully create worlds first artificial meat for hamburger of cost $330000 

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


  1. Strange thing ... eating lab made burger ...

  2. This research is in its early stages, if this succeeds may be this could bring end to the food crisis in the world especially in Africa. We have to wait for next few years to get technology in the market.

  3. This is an alternative to slaughtering poor animals, but wouldn't it be the same just given that they aren't naturally born?
