Saturday 9 February 2013

New Spell Check Pen for Hand Written Grammatical Mistakes | Lernstift

When typing in computer you don’t take care much of spelling and grammar because you know Microsoft office will handle it smartly. But during writing notes by hand you need to give much more attention to avoid punctuation mistakes, common spelling and grammar mistakes.  But now the good news is that one German firm claimed that they have invented such a Digital Pen called Lernstift which is programmed to detect grammar errors and common spelling mistakes.
Lernstift Spell Check Pen price

During writing on detection of any error by sensors, the Lernstift starts vibrating.  The test model of this electronic pen is presented in two modes. In Calligraphic Mode it gives vibration on making fonts incorrect and in Orthographic due to grammar and spelling mistakes in words.

Undoubtedly this pen would be helpful for children and all of those who are interested in learning English. Currently this digital pen is in its initial stage and the company is looking for investors to start production. So, its bit difficult to tell what is the price of Lernstift pen, but according to manufacturing cost it would be around 100-130 USD. And it is expected to hit market in August 2013.

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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