Sunday 1 April 2012

Now your Breathe is Becomes your Cell Phone Charging Source | AIRE that Transforms air into Energy to Charge your Cell Phone

Now your Breathe is Becomes your Cell Phone Charging Source  AIRE that Transforms air into Energy to Charge your Cell PhoneProducing electrical energy using wind energy is now becoming conventional because new ways of producing electrical energies are inventing, like AIRE, it is a new device which produce energy by using your breathe, it is absolutely unique. It means that when you go on jogging then with fitness you also get an additional benefit.
The breathe which was discharge by your lungs will be use to charge your mobile phone battery. This device AIRE is shape is like a mask, and AIRE converts Breathe power into Electricity. Small devices like iPod and mobile phones, etc can easily be run by using AIRE.
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This AIRE masks works when your lungs discharge breathe, then the mini turbines with in mask converts this air into electricity and then the produced energy is send towards your device through cable. AIRE inventor Joco Paulo Lammoglia from Rio De Janerio, Brazil said that you can use this device in any condition from running to sleep. He also said that this device also helps to reduce the carbon footprint and you can also use this AIRE device in outdoors or indoors, while you are running, walking, reading book or even sleeping.
This device not only helps to produce energy it also encouraging peoples for exercise and this energy is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

But there is one phone that does not need AIRE mask for charging, it is SpareOne Mobile, with battery life of 15 years.

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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