Tuesday 23 July 2013

Google AdSense Text Ads With Favicons

By keeping a habit of keep doing practice of testing for improvements, this time Google did some modifications in AdSense text ads. From now Google started showing favicons along advertiser urls in text ads only.

For folks who don't know about favicon, for such friends favicons are small size graphics also known as website icons use to give identity to website.

As we are also AdSense publishers so, we also observed favicon modification on our blog in ads. You can check it in above screenshot or can also see it live on ads appears below post title and below blog post.
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In start of this month Google released asynchronous codes for ads in order to make their performance better in comparison to synchronous ones because of load time. But as we know medium and large rectangle ads usually carry three links. Means 3 favicons and, if all will load separately then obviously the ad load time will get affect. But about one thing I'm sure that these ads will surely good to catch visitor eyes. Now the only thing which needs to observe that will such advertisement get more click through rate or not because, after addition of this little graphic text ads are not remain as text ads and it makes hard to get blend with in text content.
News Source: Google Blog

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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