Sunday 22 January 2012

Tablet eReaders and Extinction of Page

Tablet eReaders and Extinction of Page
As usage of Tablet Computers and Electronic Readers increases to read Newspapers, Magazines and Books, it is to estimated that the era of printed material is near to be end, and soon all publications becomes digital and this cause of stopping trees to cut for making papers. Online Retail Giant AMAZON gives a sign with its new KINDLE device production that Now only Electronic Readers is the Future, and Keep in mind that APPLE already first set a base of online reading through its iPad Tablet.

According to the hohneper Research Report it is to be estimated that in year 2011, volume of sales of digital books is almost 3.2 Billion Dollars, and the expectation is that at the end of 2016 the above amount is increases 3 times and becomes 9.7 Billion Dollars. And one more Investigation which was completed by US Book Industry Study Group, this research clear it that the Trend of reading digital books is now increasing in readers. And the people those have tablet or eReaders, their more than half a quantity said that if book was available in digital format then they will give priority to a digital one rather than a printed one. According to Angela Bol, the Executive Director of BISG, the market of eBook was rapidly developing and behavior of readers is changing. In a survey it is also noticed that many readers are confused or disturbed because of high prices of Digital Devices. Barnz and Noble, the one Americas biggest Book seller firm makes a new eReader of name "NOOK" after seeing the developing trend of eReading. According to one researcher that ereading gives glory or brightness to book reading, but era of reading printed books is not diminish, according ot him printed books era should remains atleast for more  10 years, because those who spend their lives with printed books, they always give first priority to printed one.

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Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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