If you are active on twitter especially in tweeting with attached photos then few days ago you should experience a problem. The problem is unable to view photos in tweets which are attached by using Instagram. Don't know the exact reason but any one of them either Instagram or Twitter stopped their users to interconnect with twitter/Instagram. And this cause loss of users reliability on Twitter because of unavailibility of facility to share their Online Edited photos with their friends and twitter followers.
Well to facilitate users those are first using third parties websites like Streamzoo, Instagram, etc. to upload their slightly edited images in tweets twitter updates its App and introduce Photo filters.
How To Use Twitter Photo Filters App:
If you are on vacation or somewhere else with interesting or informative images filled in your device like smartphone. And want to tweet them out then you just have to follow some simple basic steps. In first step open
and then write or compose your tweet. Then taps on camera icon and navigate for the photo which would you like to use. Once its done now it is ready to edit. As you can see three icons on the bottom.

The first one automatically enhances your image for a quick fit. The 3rd at the right side allows you to crop the image, move and scale your photo and select as a original or square. Finally, clicking the center option allows you to choose a filter for your photo. Tap one of the filters to see it up close or swipe the image to try another. Currently only eight filters are available which are; Black and White, Vignette, Cool, Cinematic, Warm, Vintage, Happy and Gritty. There we go!.
Click on Done and now you are ready to send this tweet and share the photo. And all of these fabulous photos now start showing up on your twitter timeline. You can use this picture filter app from your iPhone or any other smartphones easily.
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