Friday 15 March 2013

Why FeedDemon Also Going To Die After Google Reader

Just after a day by announcement from Google to of removing their Google Reader Product from 1st July 2013, Feeddemon also updated their blog with news that their service is also going to die.


FeedDemon is one the most popular and older RSS feed reader for windows operating system. For synchronization as it depends on Google reader, so definitely with death of GR it would become very drive it smoothly. In his latest blog post, Nick Bradbury developer of FeedDemon mentioned similar things. Like he is doing a full day job in some other firm, and since from long it also stopped paying the bills because of dropping income from paid versions and adware.

In his blog he also cleared that users can take benefits from feeds after years by 1st July, but you should have to turn off synching if you are Google Reader dependent. You can get more information about this news on there official blog.

Hannah Jones

Author & Editor

From Skopje, Macedonia, Also works as Software Quality Assurance.


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